Monday, February 2, 2009

Surrender at Appomattox: the War is over!

My fellow countrymen,

The Confederates have surrenderd!

Earlier I received a message from General Grant talking about Lee's position: "If the thing is pressed, I think that Lee will surrender."

I sent a message back: "Let the thing be pressed."

I went back to the White House to find Secretary Seward. Poor man fell from his carriage. He said to me, "You are back from Richmond."
I said "Yes, and I think we are near the end at last."

General Grant had captured Petersburg and Richmond from General Robert E. Lee. After a series of messages I will not disclose at this moment were transacted between Grant and Lee, talks of surrender were inevitable. Lee agreed to meet Grant at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia April 9th, 1865.

I have received a telegram from General Grant: "General Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia this morning on terms proposed by myself. The accompanying additional correspondence will show the conditions full."

Before I depart, I will like to express some words to the south. Secession should no longer be an issue. I ask that all people forgive and reconcile their differences and come back as one; although, in a sense, I can say the Union has always been intact.

~Honest Abe

The Civil War Battlefield Guide pg 282-285
Abraham Lincoln by Thomas, Benjamin P. pg 540 & 542


  1. Congratulations on winning the war, Mr. President! Although this is a moment of great triumph indeed, our country must now turn to you to say, “Slavery having through Rebellion committed suicide, let the North and South united to bury its carcass, and then clasp hands across the grave." It is time to rebuild our country!

  2. Congratulations, President Lincoln. You have seen us to the end of this war. Our nation is now reunited. Much must be done to rebuild this nation but the war is finally over!

  3. I have surrendered only for the sake of those I wish to protect.

  4. I leave to say to the Union, congraulations. This is not what I would have hoped for, but again congratulations.

  5. We thank you for your kindness accepting us back with open arms.

  6. I knew that you would make an excellent leader, and the way you've gotten us though the war has proven that. Congratulations on resolving the issue of slavery, which has divided the Union for so long.
